Uncompromised optical and mechanical systems - Made and designed in Austria and The United States!
Zero ComÂproÂmise Optic is and alÂways has been a multi-naÂtional afÂfair. Since the comÂpany was creÂated, they comÂbined the best opÂtiÂcal, meÂchanÂiÂcal, new deÂsign creÂation, and perÂforÂmance driÂven minds from AusÂtria and The United States. The ZCO staff inÂclude memÂbers that hold mulÂtiÂple patents in the rifle scope inÂdusÂtry, have deÂsigned some of the most roÂbust meÂchanÂiÂcal sysÂtems that are still being used today, have held top-level manÂageÂment poÂsiÂtions, as well as a reÂtired U.S. milÂiÂtary ofÂfiÂcer among many other backÂgrounds. Their headÂquarÂters and maÂchine shop are loÂcated in AusÂtria while our origÂiÂnal and new prodÂuct deÂsign, testÂing, and deÂvelÂopÂment staff are loÂcated in both AusÂtria and the United States. The level of brilÂliance and inÂtelÂlect throughÂout the enÂtire comÂpany is the major driÂving force beÂhind their sucÂcess.
''ZCO may be a new comÂpany, but our talÂent in this inÂdusÂtry runs about as deep as the MarÂiÂanas Trench.'' (ZCO)
Due to ZCO’s inÂvolveÂment in many preÂciÂsion shootÂing apÂpliÂcaÂtions, even seemÂingly inÂsignifÂiÂcant deÂtails beÂcome inÂcreasÂingly imÂporÂtant. ZCO fully unÂderÂstand that dedÂiÂcated life-long cusÂtomers will be the founÂdaÂtion and driÂving force for fuÂture inÂnoÂvaÂtions and prodÂuct deÂvelÂopÂment. BeÂcause of this, ZCO hold themselves to the highÂest stanÂdard so their cusÂtomers don’t have to.
''ZCO doesn’t manÂuÂfacÂture prodÂucts to meet a budÂget, we manÂuÂfacÂture to deÂliver UnÂcomÂproÂmised PerÂforÂmance and surÂpass our cusÂtomer’s exÂpecÂtaÂtions! The high qualÂity and preÂciÂsion of ZCO rifle scopes will never be comÂproÂmised nor sacÂriÂficed in favor of proÂducÂtion quanÂtity. This phiÂlosÂoÂphy is paraÂmount.'' (ZCO)